Sunday, October 18, 2009

MIO: Where in the world is Jeanniey Mullen (this week)

I love speaking, and writing, and presenting and networking! I guess I just love being around people and helping them out (which is why my dad had to BEG me not to get the Master's in Education, that I got anyway). In fact, two of the smartest men I know in the world have really shown me how important personal connections are to success in business and in life in general.

My belief is that you can always learn so much from every conversation. There is alway at least one takeaway that will improve your life if you just listen (A Shout Out to my 3rd Grade Teacher Sister Angela goes hear for making the entire class repeat a poem about listening for tne entire period one day).

The point is, if you learn something, you should share it with others to help them grow too.

This week, I'll be in NY on Monday- packed full with meetings. Then off to sunny San Diego. I will be speaking at the Direct Marketing Association's Annual Conference on Wednesday 10/21 from 10-11 PST
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Then later that day at 1:45 for the Post Show Sessions.

I will be in San Diego Tuesday and Wednesday, SF on Thursday and LV on Friday. Hope to see you at one of those locations.

If not this week, don't miss next week in NY at DPAC (I have a comp code if you need one).

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